Consent to Share Information

New Contact Details

Singel Person Consent Types

General Conset  - Allows a person to request information from Aver about your funding and invoices

Account Nominee  -  Allows a person to request information from Aver about your funding and invoices, Make changes to profile details and consent and has decision making authority. 

Please note, by providing someone with access to your portal they will be able to see: - Your NDIS Funding - Your Invoices - Personal Information - Access to upload invoices

Consent Types

General Conset  - Allows a person to request information from Aver about your funding and invoices

Account Nominee  -  Allows a person to request information from Aver about your funding and invoices, Make changes to profile details and consent and has decision making authority. 

If you require invoices to be pre-approved before our accounts team process them. Please contact us on 1300 283 776  or email to arrange this to be setup

Terms and Conditions

  • You should only provide consent to a trusted person

  • The form can only be completed by the Participant or an Account Nominee

  • If the participant is 18 or older, they will automatically be an Account Nomiee.

    • If the participant is 18 or older and they should not have access to being an Account Nominee, Aver require a copy of legal documentation to demonstrate a gaurdianship or relinquishing of decision making.

    • If there is a dispute between the participant and the Account Nominee regarding choice and control, Aver will follow the wishes of the Participant unless the legal documentation highlighted above is provided.

  • No one will be able to request any information from Aver regarding an account without consent.

  • If is the Particpants and/or Account Nominees responsibility to contact Aver to add or remove consent.


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